среда, 21. новембар 2018.

We did it! HUGE medical shipment sent to Serbia

Danas je humanitarna organizacija 28. Jun zajedno sa "Supplies Over Seas" kompanijom poslala kontejner pomoći dug 12 metara i težak 8 tona koji sadrži medicinsku pomoć iz Luisvila, Kentakija, koji treba da stigne u Srbiju pre Nove godine. Pošiljka sadrži neophodne mašine za anesteziju, rendgen, mašine za ultrazvuk i EKG, električne bolničke krevete, neophodne monitore i ostale stvari koje su tražile bolnice širom regiona. Vrednost kontejnera je procenjena na 700 000 dolara, dok će drugi kontejner stići iz Švajcarske kao i Božićni pokloni i humanitarni projekti vezani za Crkvu. Procenjujemo da će vrednost ukupne pomoći tokom praznika preći iznos od milion dolara.
Kontejner će stići u medicinski centar Niš, gde će neka od opreme ostati, dok će se druga poslati bolnicama i klinikama širom Srbije, Republike Srpske, Krajine i Crne Gore. HO 28.Jun već duže vremena sarađuje sa medicinskim centrom u Nišu; 500 000 dolara vredna medicinska oprema je poslata 2013. godine, a direktor centra Zoran Radovanović procenio ju je kao "jednu od najvećih donacija" koju je Srbija primila. HO 28. Jun je internacionalna humanitarna organizacija sa specijalnim konsultativnim statusom pri UN-u. Osnovana 2012. godine, do danas je donirala 184 tone humanitarne, medicinske i pomoći protiv nepogoda u vrednosti od preko 6,1 milion dolara zapadnom Balkanu.

We did it! HUGE medical shipment sent to Serbia
Today, 28. Jun, in partnership with Supplies Over Seas, shipped a 40-foot, 8-ton container filled to the top with medical equipment and supplies from Louisville, Kentucky, which is expected to arrive in Serbia before the New Year. The shipment includes much-needed anesthesia machines, portable X-ray units, ultrasound machines, EKG machines, electric hospital beds, vital signs monitors and disposable medical supplies which were requested from hospitals in the region. The monetary value of the container has been independently appraised at over $700,000, with a second container coming from Switzerland in December, along with the Christmas gift, humanitarian and church related projects scheduled, 28. Jun estimates it will donate $1 M in aid during the Holiday season.
The container will be delivered to the Medical Center in Nis, where some of the equipment will remain with the rest being distributed to other hospitals and clinics in Serbia, Republika Srpska, Krajina and Montenegro. 28. Jun has a history of partnering with the Medical Center in Nis; $500,000 worth of advanced medical equipment was donated to the hospital in 2013 which Director Zoran Radovanovic called "one of the largest donations" Serbia has received. 28. Jun is an international humanitarian organization in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Founded in 2012, to date the Not-For-Profit has delivered 184 tons of humanitarian, medical and disaster relief aid worth over $6.1 mil to the Western Balkans.

Snezana Dimitrijevic sent this message to parkicbrodic@gmail.com
Questions? Contact Snezana Dimitrijevic
c/o 28. Jun - 3231 Mannheim R, Franklin Park, Illinois 60131, United States

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